Import DWG/DXF file

Supported file types
  • .dwg or .dxf

To import a file as a new drawing:
  1. On the Home page, click Import.

  2. Under Upload a .dwg/.dxf file, click Browse and Select the file to upload.

  3. The file will appear in Home in the My Drawings list.

  4. Click on the drawing name to open it.


DWG/DXF file may have used a different coordinate system where the data is not referenced to 0,0 and this will result in the contents appearing well outside of the page limits. To fix this:

  1. Click Zoom to Extents to see all data and the page limits.

  2. Right click or press Ctrl+A to Select All.

  3. Move (using the quick move or Move option) the contents to the page limits.

  4. Click Zoom to Page.

The DWG/DXF file data may have been created using a different scale which will result in the contents not fitting well within the page limits. To fix this:

  1. Open Drawing Properties.

  2. Modify the Format (page size), Orientation, and/or Scale to match the values used in the original drawing.

If you use Scale Model to resize the entities, you will change the dimensions, i.e. if scale = 2, then a 10' entity will rescale to 20'.

Advanced Learning:

To learn about the topics discussed above, please check out these guides: