
Use the Leader tool to add a label with a leader to the drawing.

To Add Leader:

  1. Click on the Leader tool from the drop-down tools under the Text tool or press Alt+A.

  2. Enter text in the text box in the sidebar.

  3. Use Shift+Enter to add a new line.

  4. Click on the canvas to specify the location of the Leader head. Right click and select Undo last point, or press Z in order to undo and specify this location again. Click on the canvas to specify the location of the leader tail. Right click and select Exit Text entry or press Esc in order to undo and specify this location again.

  5. Set the Font and Font Size. The text preview will update with these options.

  6. Select the Leader Arrow Type.

  7. Right click and select Confirm, click on the check mark in the sidebar, or press Enter.

  8. Click on the canvas to specify the location for the next text entry.

  9. Right click and select Close Tool, click the X in the sidebar, or press Esc, to cancel and close the tool.