Create Ellipse

Use the Create Ellipse tool to add an ellipse to the drawing.

To Create an Ellipse:

  1. Click on the Create Ellipse tool.

  2. Select the drawing mode to define the ellipse:

    • Center-Radius (1) mode, the ellipse is drawn from the centroid to the circumference of an ellipse.

      1. Click on the canvas to set the first location.

      2. Press Tab to set a value for the radius of the ellipse.

      3. Click to set the second location to complete the ellipse.

    • 3 point (2) mode, to create an angled ellipse.

      1. Click on the canvas to set the first location.

      2. Press Tab to set a value for the radius of the ellipse.

      3. Click to set the second location.

      4. At a desired angle, click to set the third location to complete the ellipse.

  3. Press Esc or click on the x in the top right corner of the sidebar to cancel and close the tool.